I have been tagged by Fräulein Kitsch to answer the 11 things tag. As it is a quite comprehensive tag, I divided it into two parts.
Here you can read the first part where I follow the first rule of the tag and write 11 things about myself.
The following rules apply to the persons that have been tagged by the 11 things tag. The parts that are done are striked (klicking on the text leads you to the corresponding post):
write 11 things about yourself (done, see here)
- answer the 11questions you're asked by the tagger to answer
- devise 11 questions and tag 11 bloggers to answer them (the bloggers should have less than 200 readers if possible)
- inform these bloggers
- tagging backwards is not allowed
Here are my answers to the
11 questions Fräulein Kitsch has asked me:
- What career aspiration did you have when you were a child? Would you still like to work in this area?
Actually, I only started to think about having a job when I turned 12 or 13. Before that I didn't have any kind of career aspiration. ;-) As a teenager I considered two career options and both are still somehow accompanying me. Inspired by Bonnie from the TV series Knight Rider, I wanted to do something with Artificial Intelligence and to maybe create an artificial intelligence like K.I.T. Afterwards, I became interested in psychology and considered studying psychology - but I didn't have a proper vision about what exactly I would do with it. Both areas are still relevant in my life and I think that they are very much related.
Bonnie Barstow, PhD, here with Michael Knight ;-) via 1 |
- What was the most embarassing thing that happened to you (and that you are willing to share)?
I really don't remember (anymore?). I often blunder but I just don't feel embarrassed about it anymore since a couple of years. Shit happens to everyone, so why should we waste our precious time with feeling ashamed? ;-)
- If you were reincarnated after death: how would you be reborn?
I don't know whether I already deserve to get into the Nirwana but I'd like to go there. I'd also be fine with being reborn as a human again - but I think that this one life is enough. Maybe, however, it would be nice to be reborn as a human man. ;-) I definitely don't want to become some kind of animal or plant. This would be too boring for me as I wouldn't be able to have discussions anymore.
- Is there any protagonist of a book you can identify with?
That is a difficult question because I prefer to read non fiction books. Maybe Fred "Bogus" Trumper from the Watermethod man by John Irving.
- Flower bouquet or potted plant?
Flower bouquet. Unfortunately, I cannot take care of plants and they die very fast when I am responsible for them. And then I feel terrible.
- Do you wear sweat pants or jeans at home?
- Have you ever got a really aweful present?
Not really aweful but of course I also got a lot of crappy presents. I have decluttered them all this year. ;-)
- The UK or the US?
That is a difficult question again. Probably the UK because it is not far away. But the US is a great country, too. For me, the only thing that matters is that I can speak English. ;-)
- If your friends had to describe you in 3 words what would they say?
I just asked a friend because I wouldn't know what I'd say as a friend of mine. She said: balanced, curious and helpful. I just mention it uncommented.
- White or black?
- Do you believe in paranormal activities?
And here are my questions:
- How and why did you start blogging?
- How much time a week do you invest into your blog and do you think that this is too much or not enough?
- What do you love to do most (except for blogging :-))?
- What do you cook when you come home after a tough day and you're very hungry?
- Which book is your favourite book and why?
- Do you prefer to organize or rather to search for things?
- Do you have a pet? If yes what kind of pet (and what is its name?)? If not, would you like to have one?
- TV-series or movie?
- What is the task you catch yourself procrastinating most often? How do you manage to get over procrastination then?
- Living means ...
- What is the most annoying thing with other persons for you?
I ask the following bloggers and hope that they all are up to the game as I'm looking very much forward to read their answers. :-)