2 Aug 2012

New in: Caudalie Samples and Avène Face Water

Recently I've been pharmacy shopping again and bought the samples shown below. Actually, it's not that recently but even a couple of weeks ago. I simply forgot to show you the pictures. I also already tried two of the products and will tell you my first impressions below.

The following products have been bought by me:
  • Avène Eau Thermale face water that can be sprayed on the face
  • A set of samples of Caudalie products

1 Aug 2012

Beauty Empties in July

Last month, I emptied or got rid of 26 24 products. Again, 7 5 of them are makeup products that haven't been emptied completely but makeup products are not that easy to empty and the wearability can be an issue that shouldn't be neglected. With most of the make up products the problem has indeed been the wearability. Either I did not like the colours on me or they did not fit to my kind of lifestyle. The lip gloss by H&M was just not comfortable to wear and hence, I did not want to torture myself with it. Hence, I used stuff up and also did some kind of decluttering.

Usually, I enjoy writing the beauty empties post more than writing any other kind of post in this blog because I experience using up and decluttering as very relieving. Throwing the empty bottles away after having taken photos is the best of all. :-))

Here is a picture of all products I emptied/got rid of in July:

A short summary and my thoughts about the products, I emptied in July:

29 Jul 2012

Book Review (Golden Rules)

Dear readers, the book review below is written in German because the book has been published only in German up to now. This is a pitty because it really is a great book. However, as the interested audience will be german-speaking anyway, I believe that a German review is more appropriate than an English one. Many apologies if this causes any inconvenience.

Im Folgenden möchte ich eine kleine Rezension zum Buch "Golden Rules" von Martin Krengel verfassen, da es mich die letzten Wochen begleitet hat und vielleicht interessiert ja auch den oder die eine(n) oder andere(n) meiner Leser(innen) mein Review zu diesem Buch. Hier zunächst das Bild des Buch-Covers und ein Link zu Amazon (für die Kaufinteressierten :-)):
Bild des Covers zu Golden Rules und Link zu Amazon.de
Da das Buch auf deutsch geschrieben worden ist und es auch keine englische Übersetzung dazu gibt, finde ich es - wie bereits weiter oben auf englisch erläutert - sinnvoller und stimmiger, die Rezension selbst auch auf deutsch zu verfassen. Ich hoffe, das kommt allen meinen Lesern entgegen. :-)

Nun zur Rezension: Das Buch ist ein kurzweilig geschriebenes Buch voller praktischer Ideen und Tipps zur Produktivitätssteigerung, die der Autor selbst getestet hat. Man merkt beim Lesen, dass der Autor sehr viel Erfahrung mit dem Thema hat und dass er quasi "Insiderwissen" vermittelt. Die Zielgruppe für die das Buch geschrieben worden ist, sind Studenten, Doktoranden, Berufstätige, Berufseinsteiger, Wissensarbeiter und Kreative, also ein recht breiter Rundumschlag durch die Gesellschaft. Und auch ich gehöre zur Zielgruppe. Ich vermute, dass auch jeder, der sich darauf einlässt, den einen oder anderen Tipp aus dem Buch für sich nutzen kann und damit definitiv von der Lektüre profitieren kann.

27 Jul 2012

twist.bag July

Since I wasn't that happy with my last Pink Box (see my Pink Box July post here) and wanted to try more organic products anyway, I subscribed with the twist.bag. The twist.bag is shipped from Switzerland and is available for 15 Swiss francs within Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Converted in Euro, there is nearly no difference to the Pink Box price. Note also, that it costs 15 Swiss francs independently from where you order - it can be either Switzerland or Austria or Germany.

I think that an organic beauty box is a great idea because I personally always prefer a good organic product over a non-organic one which is not better. Unfortunately, many organic products often aren't that good. It depends on the product category. Hence, I was really happy when I discovered the twist.b Bag as it is a great opportunity to try more organic products.

The twist bag is always shipped on the 15th of each month. In July, the 15th was a Sunday. Hence, I assume that it was shipped on Monday the 16th. As it was shipped from Switzerland, it took quite some time to arrive at my destination. More specifically, it arrived last Wednesday and hence, it took the parcel 1.5 weeks to arrive.

See the pictures and the products that came with my Twist Bag July below. This is what was contained in the parcel: A jute bag (with the products inside) and an orange letter.